Delicate Dracula Dress Up game

Delicate Dracula Dress Up gamePlay

Draculaura is a fun and fashionable vamp from Monster High! Her and her best-friends Clawdeen Wolf and Frankie Stein rule the school and set the fashion trends! Draculaura particularly loves pink and rocks the color at every given opportunity. Search through this friendly vampire's wardrobe and select several outfits which would cause a stir at the Monster High School. You know how she likes to be the center of attention girls!

Delicate Dracula Dress Up, play free dracula games, related games and updates online. Added on 2020/12/21, played 30 times. Author gd 12422. Rate this game


How to play Delicate Dracula Dress Up?

Use your mouse to dress-over Draculaura

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